Greeting Cards

October 12, 2012  •  4 Comments

Good morning everyone, and what a wonderful morning it is.  The sky is bright and there are even bits of blue peeking through the clouds! I thought this morning that I would take a break from my 'What Sort Of Wall Art Do You Like?' series and instead write a little bit about my greeting cards.

As my father was a photographer we as a family have been producing our own greeting cards for well over 50 years. So I guess it was an idea I grew up with.  As a young mum, and when I could find a spare moment, I quickly became keen on learning about photo manipulation software and took great pleasure in producing the odd comical birthday card for various friends and family members.  It was different from what was largely on offer at the time and it was good fun.

And now, having progressed as a photographer and honed my skills with Photoshop over the years, I enjoy creating greeting card designs more than ever.  I am also fortunate enough to be able to sell my cards through the excellent print on demand company Greeting Card Universe who are based in the US but have printing partners in both the US and UK.

My favourite type of cards are funny ones and because I am so passionate about animals most of my funny cards feature one or other of our four rescue dogs. However I do also have many cards which feature other subjects such as flowers, vintage cars and graduation hats to name but a few.

In recent months I hit upon a real winner of a design which has turned out to be extremely popular and is selling very well.  The design is, of course,  the big hairy dog nose one which you probably can't miss there on the right.  I know I am very biased but I absolutely LOVE that nose and I love even more the dog who goes with it. So you can imagine my delight when I realized how much so many others seemed to be loving that nose too. This card, as with many of my designs, is available addressed on the front to many different family members or people.  If you can't find the card addressed to the specific family member or person you require, you can very quickly and easily 'request a design change' which is an option available in the details section under every card on the Greeting Card Universe website.

The super model for the card is our dog, Rocky, who we adopted 12 years ago from the fabulous dog rescue charity Dogs Trust  He is an exceptionally special boy, totally adored and possibly just a teeny tad spoiled.  I can, however, say that he is coping extremely well with his new found fame and generously allows us to share all his extra treats with his doggy brothers and sister.  What a star.


judith Cheng(non-registered)
what a funny sweet px
Robin-Rycky Creations(non-registered)
Enjoyed reading your post, Natalie. I've noticed that card before and thought it was a very clever idea. Good start to your blog. I wish I could get motivated to keep mine updated more regularly!
Awesome capture!
How neat that you have a heritage of making greeting cards. And that pic is so cute! He looks just like my first dog 'sugar' who was a real sweetheart <3
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