What Sort Of Wall Art Do You Like?

October 09, 2012  •  1 Comment

Hello hello hello and thank you for popping by to read my ramblings.  

I am fascinated by what sort of wall art people like.  There is of course no one style, color, subject matter or medium that pleases all.  But what is it, that draws certain people to certain types of work?

Now, if you take my husband - and I'm not talking literally of course, because he is already well and truly spoken for - but, and this is in some ways rather unfortunate considering I am a photographic artist and my work is to produce wall art, I suspect that to a certain extent he does actually prefer blank walls.  Oh the betrayal!  But I do of course understand this preference.  It's the minimalist, uncluttered approach that possibly gives people a sense of calm and peace.  Maybe a haven from the hectic reality of life.  A blank wall doesn't challenge us to view it, consider it, deliberate upon it, it's just there, quiet and unobtrusive.

Next up from the blank space might be the wall art that is itself very minimalist or gentle in nature.  Something perhaps that fills a space on the wall, but adds to the sense of calm rather than demanding attention to itself.  I think this is a very popular choice for many because it is of course extremely beneficial to have somewhere to be able to totally relax in our own home environment. Neutral colors, black and white or a toned image that matches a room's decor might fit the bill for this.  Maybe something like 'Rolling Sea Wave - Black and White'  a visual of the sea shore, the gentle sound of the sea rolling in over the pebbles, the smell of the sea air ... 

And waking from that reverie, let us consider another popular choice for wall art, that of a depiction of something in life that simply makes us feel happy. This can be a place, a person, a pet, a holiday, an activity, a scene  ... all number of possible subjects that hold a particular relevance to us and makes us smile when we view it.  This is a great way to truly personalize our room, to make the space about us, to help us feel comfortable and totally at home in it.  It's also possibly the sort of image that we are recommended to take down when and if we are selling our house, so that anyone who comes to view the house will have an easier time of imagining the room as their space.  You can imagine can't you, how it might be more difficult for someone to view a room with the potential of it becoming their home, their space, if the walls are covered in photos of the ten children, taken every year without fail on their birthdays from age one to 36!

Well enough of my ramblings for today, thank you for taking the time to read this and if you would like to add a comment regarding what sort of wall art you like and why, please do, as I would genuinely love to know.

More on different types of wall art will follow in my next blog post.




humayun azad(non-registered)
This is really excellent post. Thank for writing such kind of post. Eagerly waiting for next post.
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