What Sort Of Wall Art Do You Like? - Landscape

October 10, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Another glorious morning here and a perfect time I think to sit and think about the different types of wall art that appeal to different people.  So here we go with My next instalment about different types of wall art preferences.

In continuation of yesterday's blog post, I shall now move on to the very popular choice of landscapes.

If there is one thing that I am most definitely not, it is a landscape photographer.  However I do know of several landscape photographers who I particularly admire, so if you would like to see some top rate landscape photography, please take a look at the work of Steve Gosling and Barbara Jones  

Steve Gosling's work I have admired ever since I started learning about photography, which is quite a few years now. He has totally mastered his craft and is a brilliantly talented photographer.  He is the author of the extremely unique, limited edition book Lensless Landscapes which contains 50 of the most awe inspiring images I have ever seen.  They are excitingly different from much of the landscape photography we know and they truly feed the soul, well worth a look.  He also holds regular workshops, two of which I have attended in the past, and I can honestly say I had two fantastic days out on those workshops days, they were extremely professionally run and I learnt loads - great fun.

I have only recently come across the work of Barbara Jones, but from the moment I started to view her website I was immediately transported into her wonderful and beautifully portrayed world.  A genuinely uplifting experience that I can certainly recommend, so please do check out her website.

What is it about landscape photography that so many of us love so much?

Well from the limited amount I know about this type of photography, it is not by chance that the photographers capture the absolute best moments and places that mother nature has to offer.  A tremendous amount of planning goes into each and every image.

One of the most crucial aspects being the time of day that the image is taken.  Landscape photographers don't shy away from early morning starts. They'll be there, at the crack of dawn, waiting for that magical moment when the sun rises and that glorious light is cast that tenderly highlights the surrounds in a warm and inviting way.  Hours, days maybe even weeks or even months will have been spent making sure that they are in the absolute right spot at the absolute right time.  And if the weather lets them down at that carefully chosen moment, then it's 'a wait until tomorrow to try again' situation.

Equally, of course, sunset is another time of the day favored by landscape photographers, for the very special light that it has to offer.  Also, many will endeavor to capture the scene devoid of people, so the image focuses purely on landscape, mother nature at its most perfect and unspoiled best.  Other considerations to create the perfect image will be the composition of all the elements within the frame.  These will have been exceptionally carefully chosen to ensure that viewers of the final image will get the best possible view point. And of course, every photographer works hard to get the correct exposure, which is particularly challenging in landscape photography owing to the brightness of the sky in comparison to the relatively low light conditions of the ground.

Obviously there is so very much more to landscape photography than I have briefly mentioned here, but I just wanted to touch on the efforts to which landscape photographers go to make their images such a favored choice of many.  Naturally, I cannot give a definitive answer regarding what makes people love landscape photography so much, as it will be very different for each of us.  However, I suspect that one possibility might be that it offers a degree of escapism, and the feeling of well being. It is a visual of mother earth, at her very best and in all her perfection which, in turn, brings us comfort that all is well in the world.  Understandably therefore a firm favorite for wall art in our homes.




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